When you Donate, you are Helping Three People:

When you Donate, you are Helping Three People:

  • Donations help us, as you are supporting the Work of The Helix Library, which is intended to provide empowering content for all.

  • All donations will now provide a Scholarship for someone who wants to take a course but can't afford the price! Your donations creates a Scholarship for another.

  • Donations also help you, as giving value allows your own energy system to open to the flow of Giving-Receivng that is True Wealth. Thank you for your Gift of Service. We will use it to provide Value to others in an never-ending flow of Reciprocity and feed it back to our Network of Sovereigns and Allies
  • Donations help US, as you are supporting the Work of The Helix Library, which is intended to provide empowering content for all.

  • All donations will now provide a Scholarship for someone who wants to take a course but can't afford the price! Your donations creates a Scholarship for another.

  • Donations also help you, as giving value allows your own energy system to open to the flow of Giving-Receivng that is True Wealth. Thank you for your Gift of Service. We will use it to provide Value to others in an neverending flow of Reciprocity, Sharing Value, and Sovereign Networks of Love

Your donation will create a scholarship for someone who wants to take one of our courses but can't afford it!

Thank you, dear Friend. We appreciate you. Together we will create the Wings that help us all Fly-Together.



Sarah Berti, who goes by Leaf, is a mythmaker, author and educator using multidimensional tools to tell stories touched by the numinous. Her work opens doors to the higher—Wings—of the Infinite Library within us.

Your donation helps her to continue to work on the Helix Library Mythos to offer transformational content. Please note that while we do sell courses, 90% of our content will always remain FREE, and eventually, we plan to offer 100% of contet free as well. Donations assist this.

Thank you for your support of these materials!

Voices, stories and landscapes reaching for a relationship with the universe and one another sourced in blood, bone and the first fire at the heart of language

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